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Avian Invasion at Ora and Your Living Room

Good morning, Invasion! August is here and we’ve got some exciting things happening this month.

Playing at Ora Seattle This Friday Night

Fellow producer, DJ, friend of the streams, and currently my mastering engineer Hausman will be headlining the downstairs stage at Ora Nightclub this Friday night. And I’ll be on stage at 10pm! We’ve already got a big VIP booth booked for some of you, but if you’d like to come party with us in the Emerald City, you can still grab tickets (or your own booth) at

VR Week Is Back

At the end of the month we’re headed BACK into VR with another week of virtual shows. It’s always such a treat to actually SEE you on the virtual dance floor, and even get to chat with you while I’m on stage. It’s a pretty wild show, complete with giant club animals and an impromptu Party Parrot Rodeo. Hopefully you’ll either tune in on Twitch or actually join us in VRChat! Here’s the schedule:

  • Trance Invasion VR – Aug 28, 3pm Pacific
  • Progressive Birdhouse VR – Aug 30, 3pm Pacific
  • Early Bird Breakfast VR – Sep 1, 9am Pacific

As always, you can watch at OR jump in with your VR gear or just your laptop on the day of the show. I’ll update to point to the right place each morning, so follow me on the usual socials if you want to join us in-world!

Studio Construction

Yup, I am STILL working to build a proper recording studio in my back yard. If you’re not part of the Officer’s Club, you’ve been missing out on the updates!

Currently the garage kit is done (except for the paint). The inner walls and ceiling joists are all installed and, much to my relief, there’s a solid 1/2″ gap on all sides. My measurements weren’t crap! Lately I’ve been spending some quality time going up and down a ladder to pack ANOTHER layer of insulation in the walls before we seal it in with drywall. In fact, another delivery just arrived as I was typing this.

I gotta tell you… it’s inspiring to actually seeing the SHAPE of the room I’m building. It’s no longer just a bare stud bay, it’s starting to look like a studio! If you want to see more of the progress with videos, sound tests, and more, join the Officer’s Club over at