Yup, I’m still releasing a new track every month!
This time it’s a relatively simple track dedicated to the “cult of done.” You may have heard something to the effect of “perfect is the enemy of done,” and hoo boy… do artists know this concept. All of 2023 stares angrily at me from the corner. This year, I’m committed to getting songs DONE rather than agonizing over little details until I find myself going 13 months without a release. Again.
Creativity can be a slog sometimes. We like to think that inspiration strikes like lightning and off you go, like a raging fire of productivity. In reality, it’s often a grind.
But without the grind there are no polished gems.
This track launches everywhere on February 28, but you can pre-order it right now on Bandcamp! Just hit avianinvasion.com/cultculture to check it out.
And let’s get some shit done, shall we?